PIXIE CREW will be presented at the Spielwarenmesse 2022


Meet us at the Spielwarenmesse 2022, from 2nd February till 6th February

Hall 4 - booth F-83 for PIXIE CREW 

Hall 4 - booth F63 for ONCE KIDS by PIXIE CREW MERCATVS

All our current and future business partners can book a meeting with us using the calendly.com meeting schedule tool. 

Click on this link and book the meeting with us: https://calendly.com/pixiecrew/spielwarenmesse-2022

PIXIE CREW GROUP s.r.o. | Jankovcova 1055/13 | 170 00 PRAHA 7 | + 420 724 507 246 | milan.gaba@pixiecrew.com
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